The 3D4Amb project aims at developing a system based on the 3D for the diagnosis and treatment of amblyopia in young children. It exploits 3D technologies to provide binocular vision, i.e. to show different images to the amblyotic (or lazy) and the normal eye. It would allow easy diagnosis of amblyopia and its treatment by means of interactive games or other entertainment activities. It should not suffer from the compliance problems of the classical treatment, it is suitable to domestic use, and it could at least partially substitute occlusion or patching of the normal eye. We have experiments several kinds of 3D technologies including the 3D active shutter technology, the anaglyphic glasses, and the cardboard viewer.
- Angelo Gargantini, researcher, coordinator
- Silvia Bonfanti, postdoc in Ingegneria Informatica presso l’Università di Bergamo
- Giancarlo Facoetti, has a grant and works at the Centro di Ipovisione at the project
- Andrea Vitali, ora dottorando in Ingegneria Industriale presso l’Università di Padova
- Centro di ipovisione e riabilitazione visiva degli Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo, dottoressa Flavia Fabiani (dirigente) e dottoressa Mariella Bana
- Policlinico di Milano e Università di Milano, dottoresse Simona Simonetta ed Elena Tabacchi
- NVIDIA has donated two QUADRO FX5800 and two 3D vision Kits under the professor partnership program.
- L’associazione Arlino, Associazione di ricerca a livello infantile e adolescenziale di natura oculare, collabora al progetto.
Former Students
- Matteo Zambelli and Fabio Terzi, master students, cardboard racing game
- David Gervasoni, bachelor student, diagnosis
- Andea Vitali, master student, constrast threshold therapy
- Marco Taschini, master student, binocular streaming
- Alberto Capelli, bachelor student, binocular image viewer
- Allan Taschini, bachelor student, arcade games
- Maryna Sotnyk, bachelor student, 3D stereo programming